Scenario 2/2018 has been published, including the recommendations for the promotion of performance in third level teaching and research which emerged from a symposium held in 2018 in Hanover, Germany.
OVFL response to the the Language Strategy for Foreign Modern Languages launched by the Minister of Education on Monday, 4th of December.
Ireland's Foreign Language Deficit
Podcast from Today with Séan O’Rourke on RTÉ Radio Player. Broadcast on 13 November 2015. |
Languages Roundtable on Higher Education (Irish Humanities Alliance and One Voice for Languages)
September 21, 2015, UCC
The aim of the Languages Roundtable was to identify common positions amongst Higher Education academics regarding the forthcoming Department of Education and Skills Foreign Languages Strategy, and draft a position paper that can be utilised for advocacy and policy purposes. The importance of a national languages strategy is increasingly important in the context of the recent recommendations by the Task Group on Reform of University Selection and Entry regarding abandoning the NUI third language matriculation. The format was three roundtable sessions focusing on: Skills Shortages, CEFR and Employability of Languages Graduates.
September 21, 2015, UCC
The aim of the Languages Roundtable was to identify common positions amongst Higher Education academics regarding the forthcoming Department of Education and Skills Foreign Languages Strategy, and draft a position paper that can be utilised for advocacy and policy purposes. The importance of a national languages strategy is increasingly important in the context of the recent recommendations by the Task Group on Reform of University Selection and Entry regarding abandoning the NUI third language matriculation. The format was three roundtable sessions focusing on: Skills Shortages, CEFR and Employability of Languages Graduates.
Attitudes towards the Irish Language on the Island of Ireland (ESRI, August 2015; Authors: Merike Darmody and Tania Daly)
This report explores factors influencing attitudes to, and the use of, the Irish language on the island of Ireland. In so doing, the report draws, first and foremost, on 2013 Irish Language Survey. In order to explore changes in attitudes over time, the study also draws on earlier (2001) survey data. Further insights into overall trends will be provided by the analysis of Census data. Given that attitudes are often shaped by schooling, the study also draws on the Growing Up in Ireland study (9-year-cohort) as well as the Irish Post Primary Longitudinal Study (PPLS) which indicate student perspectives on Irish. See ESRI for more information or download the report. |

National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Focus Group (July 14, 2015)
The purpose of the meeting was to gather views from interested parties on the Junior Cycle Background Paper and Brief for Modern Foreign Languages. OVFL attended this focus group.
The purpose of the meeting was to gather views from interested parties on the Junior Cycle Background Paper and Brief for Modern Foreign Languages. OVFL attended this focus group.

OVFL Submission to DES Consultation on a Foreign Languages in Education Strategy | |
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Consultation Process:
Feb. 27, 2014 The (then) Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn, TD, announces, as part of the Action Plan for Jobs 2014, that the Department of Education and Skills will develop and publish a languages education strategy, including foreign language education.
Aug. 29, 2014 The Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O'Sullivan, TD, launches the consultation process on foreign languages in Irish education. The public is invited to comment on a two-part consultation document. The first part sets out the overall context; the second part provides a series of questions for consideration. Submissions are invited before Nov. 7, 2014 (extended deadline). See the full document below (DES Framework for a Language Policy)
Oct. 18, 2014 OVFL members meet in DIT, Dublin in order to prepare a response to the DES consultation.
Oct. 29, 2014 A draft response is circulated to the entire OVFL network for comment and feedback.
Nov. 7, 2014 OVFL response is submitted to the DES.
Feb. 27, 2015 Stakeholder forum to discuss the teaching and learning of foreign languages at school level. It took place at The Clock Tower, Department of Education and Skills, Dublin 1.
June 18, 2015 Stakeholder forum to discuss the teaching and learning of foreign languages at third level, in further education and training and the links between education and business. It took place at The Clock Tower, Department of Education and Skills, Dublin 1.
Authors of and contributors to the OVFL submission (in alphabetical order)
Marie-Therese Batardiere (UL), Anne Brindley (GMIT), Kristin Brogan (IT Tralee), Frances Carr (The Old Schoolhouse Montessori School), Ann Devitt (TCD), Tanya Flanagan (St Farnan's, Co. Kildare), Aine Furlong (WIT), Barbara Geraghty (UL), Mary Ann Kenny (IT Blanchardstown), Deirdre Kirwan (Scoil Bhride, Dublin), Agnieszka Matys (Polska Szkola SEN, Dublin), Niamh Nestor (UCD), Susanna Nocchi (DIT), Conny Opitz (TCD), Frederique Rantz (PPLI), Mary Ruane (IRAAL), Christiane Schönfeld (UL), Sarah Smyth (TCD), Margot Spencer (UCC), Riana Walsh (IT Tallaght).
Feb. 27, 2014 The (then) Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn, TD, announces, as part of the Action Plan for Jobs 2014, that the Department of Education and Skills will develop and publish a languages education strategy, including foreign language education.
Aug. 29, 2014 The Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O'Sullivan, TD, launches the consultation process on foreign languages in Irish education. The public is invited to comment on a two-part consultation document. The first part sets out the overall context; the second part provides a series of questions for consideration. Submissions are invited before Nov. 7, 2014 (extended deadline). See the full document below (DES Framework for a Language Policy)
Oct. 18, 2014 OVFL members meet in DIT, Dublin in order to prepare a response to the DES consultation.
Oct. 29, 2014 A draft response is circulated to the entire OVFL network for comment and feedback.
Nov. 7, 2014 OVFL response is submitted to the DES.
Feb. 27, 2015 Stakeholder forum to discuss the teaching and learning of foreign languages at school level. It took place at The Clock Tower, Department of Education and Skills, Dublin 1.
June 18, 2015 Stakeholder forum to discuss the teaching and learning of foreign languages at third level, in further education and training and the links between education and business. It took place at The Clock Tower, Department of Education and Skills, Dublin 1.
Authors of and contributors to the OVFL submission (in alphabetical order)
Marie-Therese Batardiere (UL), Anne Brindley (GMIT), Kristin Brogan (IT Tralee), Frances Carr (The Old Schoolhouse Montessori School), Ann Devitt (TCD), Tanya Flanagan (St Farnan's, Co. Kildare), Aine Furlong (WIT), Barbara Geraghty (UL), Mary Ann Kenny (IT Blanchardstown), Deirdre Kirwan (Scoil Bhride, Dublin), Agnieszka Matys (Polska Szkola SEN, Dublin), Niamh Nestor (UCD), Susanna Nocchi (DIT), Conny Opitz (TCD), Frederique Rantz (PPLI), Mary Ruane (IRAAL), Christiane Schönfeld (UL), Sarah Smyth (TCD), Margot Spencer (UCC), Riana Walsh (IT Tallaght).
Publication of the Framework for Consultation on a Foreign Languages in Education Strategy
As part of the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs 2014, the Department of Education and Skills has committed to developing and publishing a languages strategy. This will consider the role of foreign languages in the post-primary, further and higher education sectors.
Click here for the press release and call for submissions
As part of the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs 2014, the Department of Education and Skills has committed to developing and publishing a languages strategy. This will consider the role of foreign languages in the post-primary, further and higher education sectors.
Click here for the press release and call for submissions

Framework for Consultation on a Foreign Languages in Education | |
File Size: | 113 kb |
File Type: | doc |
First Stakeholder Forum (February 27, 2015)
The first Stakeholder Forum, which took place at the Department of Education and Skills, Dublin 1, focused on the teaching and learning of foreign languages at school level. Presentations for download below.
The first Stakeholder Forum, which took place at the Department of Education and Skills, Dublin 1, focused on the teaching and learning of foreign languages at school level. Presentations for download below.
Second Stakeholder Forum (June 18, 2015)
The second Stakeholder Forum, which took place at the Department of Education and Skills, Dublin 1, focused on the teaching and learning of foreign languages at third level, in further education and training and the links between education and business.
The second Stakeholder Forum, which took place at the Department of Education and Skills, Dublin 1, focused on the teaching and learning of foreign languages at third level, in further education and training and the links between education and business.
Seán McDonagh (2015) Leaving Certificate 2015.
Consultation document on the development of language policy in Ireland written by Seán McDonagh (2015; Leader, journal of the NAPD)
Seán McDonagh. A note on Leaving Certificate 2014 outcomes. OVFL's feedback on McDonagh's proposals (June 2015) McDonagh's response to OVFL's feedback (June 2015)
National Skills Bulletin 2015 (Expert Group on Future Skills Needs, July 2015)
Click here for more information. |
National Employer Survey. Employers' Views on Irish Further and HE and Training Outcomes
Commissioned by the HEA, SOLAS and Quality and Qualifications Ireland (May 2015 ) |
Primary Language Curriculum (NCCA)
Click here for the call for submissions See attached (to the right): 1) the NCCA Draft Primary Language Curriculum and 2) the OVFL submission to the NCCA |
Winning Abroad: Ireland's Struggle with Foreign Languages (EIL)
Responding to the ‘Framework for Consultation on a Foreign Languages in Education Strategy for Ireland' |
Languages Strategy for the HEA proposed by gradireland (2013).
Available: |
Key Skills for Enterprise to Trade Internationally (EGFSN)
The report outlines the essential skill sets that individuals should look to develop to avail of employment opportunities arising within exporting companies, in particular the need to dramatically improve our foreign language proficiency and our ability to sell into international markets. Available:,9402,en.php |
Final Report on the Modern Languages in Primary Schools Initiative 1998 – 2012
Available: |
Ó Duibhir, Pádraig and Cummins, Jim (2012). Towards an Integrated Language Curriculum in Early Childhood and Primary Education (3-12 years)
Research conducted on behalf of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Available: |
Higher Education Strategy Group (2011). National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030: Report of the Strategy Group.
Available: |
Royal Irish Academy National Committee for Modern Language, Literary and Cultural Studies (2011). National Languages Strategy.
Available: |
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation (2010). Trading and Investing in a Smart Economy. A Strategy and Action Plan for Irish Trade, Tourism and Investment to 2015.
Available: |
McGann, Kara (2010). IBEC Education and Skills Survey 2010.
Available:$file/IBEC+-+Education+and+Skills+Survey+Report+2010.pdf |

Adapting to Diversity (ESRI, 2009) | |
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Council of Europe Languages Policy Division (2008). Language Education Policy Profile. Ireland.
Available: |
DES (2005). Language Education Policy Profile. Country Report. Ireland.
Available: |
Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (2005). Languages and Enterprise. The Demand & Supply of Foreign Language Skills in the Enterprise Sector.
Available: |
NCCA (2005a). Report on the Feasibility of Modern Languages in the Primary School Curriculum.
Available: |
NCCA (2005b). Review of Languages in Post-Primary Education. Report of the First Phase of the Review.
Available: |
DES (2004). Inspection of Modern Languages: Observations and Issues.
Available: |
INTO (2004). Language in the Primary School. An INTO Discussion Document.
Available: |
Little, David (2003). Languages in the Post-Primary Curriculum. A Discussion Paper.
Commissioned by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Available: |